Call for 2024 Hosts
The International Virtual Exchange Consortium invites hosts for the 2024 IVEC Conference!
The IVEC conference is held annually in October or November. The conference has attracted 300-400 in person participants, and over 500 online participants. Organizing an international conference of this type can bring international attention to institutions of higher education and will give your organization the opportunity to present their own work in virtual exchange. Likewise, we are committed to working with our conference hosts to ensure that the goals and values of the International Virtual Exchange Consortium are clear, consistent, and well-represented in conference planning and communications with all audiences.
In the interest of allowing the broadest possible equity of participation, to acknowledge the financial and environmental costs of widespread travel, and to create a space for showcasing and engaging directly with virtual exchange methodologies, the conference will be held as a fully virtual conference in 2024!
Information regarding the hosting responsibilities and requirements can be found here.
Please use the link below to register your interest in acting as the host (or co-host) institution for the 2024 IVEC Conference! The IVEC Board will review all submissions and will reach out to the most viable candidates (based on capacity, infrastructure, and virtual conference concept) with a detailed IVEC Host Application form.
Please submit your host interest form no later than July 31, 2023.